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Want to Change Your Relationship with Work?

Posted on November 7, 2023 under Career & Work

Want to Change Your Relationship with Work?

I recently spoke with Deborah O'Rell on the Your Voice webcast about radically changing your relationship with work.

Together, Deborah and I touched on a number of great career topics:

1) The best first step to take if you're focused on getting your dream job.

    2) Why getting clear on what you want is of utmost importance when going after your dream job.

    3) How knowing your value makes the best first impression to a potential employer.

    4) The number one mistake I've seen over and over on resumes in my ten years of Career Coaching.

    5) When you should or should not temper a resume to avoid Ageism Bias.

    6) The primary and crucial elements to include when crafting a resume.

    Listen until the very end for my tips to women who are making a career or industry transition.

    Thank you to Deborah O’Rell, ACC for the great questions, conversation and having me as a guest on the Women's Rights in the Workplace webcast Your Voice.

    Take a listen by clicking and scrolling to Episode 5.

    Join the Conversation on Twitter @kelley_ann or leave a Facebook reply below!

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