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Transform Your Career Using Intuitive Oracle Cards

Can you imagine a world where your career path is guided by your deepest desires and intuition? It's a common story: the traditional methods of career development often leave us feeling stuck, uninspired and dissatisfied.

Filed under Career & Work, Entrepreneurs, Leadership

Career Path Oracle Deck: Discover What Inspires Your Professional Journey

What lights you up? For many, feeling inspired in their work is a major source of motivation and energy. The “Inspiration” card in my Career Path Oracle deck raises the primary question of, ‘What inspires you?’ It is the #1 question my clients ask themselves when looking for a career change or switch up. Inspiration is a touchy thing –...


Filed under Career & Work, Entrepreneurs, Leadership

Unlock Career Clarity in Uncertain Times with Career Oracle Cards

In an era marked by unprecedented change and uncertainty, professionals are increasingly seeking career guidance in unconventional avenues.  Oracle cards for career and business are one steadfast method that is becoming increasingly popular to make decisions and get guidance on next best career steps.  Similar to a player's deck, oracle cards create the opportunity to ask a question, pull a...


Filed under Career & Work, Entrepreneurs, Leadership

Prioritizing Mental Health in the Workplace

As we navigate through life and it's complexities, it's important that we prioritize our mental health, especially in the workplace. These days, we're gradually moving towards less stigma and shame surrounding mental health. For far too long, it was swept under the rug. It was seen as taboo and shameful. Many people suffered in silence. But companies are beginning to...


Filed under Career & Work

Getting “Ghosted” in Your Career

There comes an awkward time in everyone's career when you're caught off guard by the low or no response of a job prospect, colleague, boss, or client. The intermittent or cease of communications may or may not be a total surprise, but it makes it no less confusing or bothersome. The end of communications sends a strong signal – “we...


Filed under Career & Work

How to Leverage Performance Reviews to “Move Up” at Work

Many companies are in the thick of Performance Review Period. If this is you, then listen up… Get started by getting out of denial that reviews are here. The first part of denial is magical thinking that the review will happen by itself AND your manager will be your best advocate. It's your review, so you need to love your...


Filed under Career & Work

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