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Video Interview Attire: What to Wear?

Posted on March 26, 2021 under Interview

young man dressed formally: video interview attire

What should I wear to a video-based job interview?

Firstly, know that job interviews ARE happening right now.

More people have greater availability for conversations – especially “informational” interviews – than ever before.

Secondly, you must treat your video interviews as seriously as your in-person interviews.

This includes your attire and physical appearance on camera.

The general rule remains for video interview attire: Wear what your industry wears on a typical day except up one notch.

So, this is no time to slouch.

Just because we are home doesn't give us a “hall pass” to not shower, groom, and dress to impress.

In fact, with competition now on the rise, it's critical to not blow an interview over appearance.

Appearance is something you CAN control, even if we cannot control our global health crisis.

Need expert 1:1 guidance to curate your personal look and wardrobe?

I highly recommend my friends and colleagues Tania Sterl (for women) and Guy Tomlinson (for men).

Keep rockin' your interviews and don't be afraid to recruit help in preparing.

What's your go-to piece of attire for a video interview?

Mine is a necklace or scarf – it dresses up most anything in an instant.

-Kelley A. Joyce, MBA, CPC

Kelley is a career development coach who is dedicated to helping people discover their career path and land their dream jobs. Kelley and her partner Josh live in New York City from which she has served hundreds of professionals across the U.S., U.K., and Australia since 2012 to radically change their relationship with work.

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