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How Tarot Helps Your Career or Business

Posted on March 20, 2023 under Coaching

How tarot helps your career or business

What's your secret weapon in career and business?

Mine is my intuition.

I use various metaphysical tools to pry open access to the deepest and sometimes the most frightened aspects of myself.

My favorite and most trusted tool is Tarot.

I've read Tarot cards (and more recently Oracle Cards) since my 20's.

Back in 2018 I studied intensively under my mentor Brigit Esselmont, creator of BiddyTarot (the Wikipedia of Tarot).

So what does this have to do with Career Coaching, you may ask?

Sometimes we don't need a spreadsheet, a method or a workshop to get the transformation we've been desperately “working hard” for.

We need to open up and actively listen to our intuition and inner wisdom.

Applying an entirely different tool (one you likely haven’t tried yet) to solve a tough career problem you've been super stuck on might be the answer you’re seeking.

Are you warming up to the idea of career change or job transition in 2022, but need a gentle and loving experience instead of a purely logical and analytical process?

Benefiting from the wisdom of Tarot as interpreted through the unique vantage point of an experienced Career Coach and business executive isn't an everyday find.

Gaining unexpected ideas and counsel from the universe could jump start your positive momentum. Book a 1 hour Tarot for Business reading here.

Are you serious about hiring professional career help? Let's talk live via video; book your consult here

– Kelley Joyce, MBA, CPC

Kelley is a career development coach who is dedicated to helping people discover their career path and land their dream jobs. Kelley and her partner Josh live in New York City from which she has served hundreds of professionals across the U.S., U.K., and Australia since 2012 to radically change their relationship with work.

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