The Archives

Ways to Improve Your Job Search If It’s Going “Like Sh*t.”

How is your job search going? "Like sh*t." is what I often hear from new clients when I ask. Does your job search suck too? Here's four ways to improve your job search.

Work Procrastination and Anxiety

Do you put the “pro” in procrastination? While putting off dry cleaning may not have consequences, delaying your career search will.

Give up to Get on Good Friday

Today in the Christian calendar is Good Friday. ✝️ This signals, for the observant, a day of reflection around sacrifice. It also marks the near end of a 40-day period of ritual called Lent. I don't work on Good Friday after 3 p.m. because for me it is THE time of “giving up” my usual duties and surrendering to...


The LONG Interview is Back in Style

I've received more requests than ever to help clients prepare for extraordinarily long interview cycles. ​The many hoops employers have all y'all jumping through is epic and they are super annoying and frustrating for sure. ​What do I mean by LONG interview? ​Waiting many days or several weeks in between “next steps” communication with HR and hiring managers ​Conducting...


On The Job Safety

I've been back on the road this past month – Florida to see my parents, Washington, D.C. for an exciting upcoming Joint Venture, and just last week California to join my Mastermind of other spirit-led women-owned business leaders. Here we all are below relaxing at lunch in sunny San Luis Obispo. Besides enjoying the natural sulfur springs and local...


Hot and Bothered

It feels like a million degrees here in Manhattan.  We are surrounded by water and the effect is that of a swamp – high humidity with profuse sweating.   We're in for another hot spell, and like clockwork the heat always cranks up some people's dispositions in a not-so-nice way.  Likely there will be news reports throughout the week...


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