The Archives

What to Wear to a Video Job Interview

Firstly, know that job interviews for in-office and virtual roles ARE happening right now in COVID. Secondly, you must treat your video interviews as seriously as your in-person interviews.

Video Interview Attire: What to Wear?

What should I wear to a video-based job interview? Firstly, know that job interviews ARE happening right now. More people have greater availability for conversations – especially “informational” interviews – than ever before. Secondly, you must treat your video interviews as seriously as your in-person interviews. This includes your attire and physical appearance on camera. The general rule remains...


Your Home Address on Your Resume – Homeless

We've been told like good little soldiers to always list our home address on resumes.  I've had many a client look at me in disbelief when I say you do not have to provide your home address on your resume.   Your residence is private data you do not have to provide.   It's also a security precaution for the potentially vulnerable.  And...


The LONG Interview is Back in Style

I've received more requests than ever to help clients prepare for extraordinarily long interview cycles. ​The many hoops employers have all y'all jumping through is epic and they are super annoying and frustrating for sure. ​What do I mean by LONG interview? ​Waiting many days or several weeks in between “next steps” communication with HR and hiring managers ​Conducting...


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