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What Is Your Legacy?

Posted on February 27, 2015 under Career & Work, Coaching, Entrepreneurs, Leadership


How to Build Your Own Sandcastle…

This week I'm grateful to be in one of the only states in the Union that is above 25 degrees. I'm visiting my parents in Briny Breezes, Florida. It feels wonderful to catch some Vitamin D and see my Mom and Dad.

Here I am – just freshly escaped from Newark to West Palm, looking happily shocked by the Sunshine State in this selfie.


It seems standard to expect that one day, upon retirement, we will end up on a beautiful beach. After a life of hard work, we want to be rewarded with a comfortable, healthy and enjoyable existence.

But it's not that simple or common to get it truly figured out.

You see, things happen out of our control. Like my Dad having cancer and his needing to leave the beach every day at 1:30 p.m. for his radiation appointment – or what he refers to as “tanning”. That's the unexpected that life throws at us.

This is why the concept of consciously creating a legacy is absolutely critical to your long-term financial security and emotional well-being.

The most durable legacies are built intentionally.

What does your legacy look like?

Will it be your career, family, wealth, values, leadership, health, creativity, community, activism, spirituality, or other?

My Massachusetts parents ended up as “snow birds” at Briny Breezes randomly, but in actuality it was a direct fit for them.

Briny Breezes is a small, old-school, and quirky Florida beach town with a big real estate reputation. My mother refers to it as the Fountain of Youth because the seniors are so active. But the secret to the place is in the Community Service mindset. Everyone helping others, sharing values, and giving their talents.

Here's a snapshot of this year's Italian Dinner for 200 residents in the town's Quonset Hut.


Everyone at this dinner has a story of how they became a “Brinyite”. For them, it's their version of paradise.

What do you want later in life? It might look like 5, 10, 20 or 35 years from now.

10 years ago I couldn't grasp the idea of “leaving an imprint” or creating something lasting. No one had ever introduced me to the possibility of directing my destiny or bettering mankind.

Today, I'm crystal clear that I'm here to lead a movement for people to stand up and actively shape what they desire in this lifetime and in the next.

How will you leave a footprint on the world?

Send me your thoughts on your legacy at kelley@old.thetruthatwork.com and sign up for my free weekly newsletter by clicking here.

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