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Do you have a case of the “Sunday Scaries”?

Posted on March 31, 2022 under Career & Work

Sunday scaries
Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

You might have the Sunday Scaries if you…

** Dread Monday mornings

** Feel grouchy and anxious

** Avoid fun stuff with family and friends

That's not a lifestyle, that's a warning sign ⚠️

If you can't deal with your job tomorrow, you need to start doing something today.

All change begins with a decision to change because change doesn't happen by itself.

If you make 1 change today it creates a positive ripple effect and sets you up for success.

My favorite tactics for the Sunday Scaries are to ban negative thinking, go public with a goal, and ask for help.

What's your decision to change today?

– Kelley Joyce, MBA, CPC

Kelley is a career development coach who is dedicated to helping people discover their career path and land their dream jobs. Kelley and her partner Josh live in New York City from which she has served hundreds of professionals across the U.S., U.K., and Australia since 2012 to radically change their relationship with work.

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