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Graduation: What I Wish Someone Told Me

Posted on June 30, 2023 under Career & Work

Congrats to the thousands of recent university graduates!

Fresh grads receive well-meaning pep talks from friends, family, and a high-profile Commencement speaker about “getting out there.”

Yet, after all the hoopla, they find themselves scrambling to cash in their diploma paper for a regular paycheck.

I distinctly recall how confusing the future seemed after finishing my undergrad at Villanova.

I moved back home to Boston to live with Mom and Dad amidst the mid-90's recession.

There was a distinct economic vibe of “no jobs.”

Even the top accounting graduates, who had done summer internships at the best firms, were feeling the pinch.

The biggest shock was that somehow we all graduated without any guidance or skills on how to actually function in the world of work.

I had a BA in two majors and lived abroad, but I didn't know how to use Microsoft Word nor had I ever seen the Internet via Netscape (yes, I'm dating myself).

I asked, “Why didn't anyone tell me the real deal? You know, the sh*t that was practical and edgy?”

For example, if you're going to work in Boston, it's going to be the fields of Technology, Healthcare, Education, or Nothing.

This, to me, was the biggest rip-off ever. I was angry.

So, I had a lot of fits and starts with different kinds of jobs.

It wasn't until a few years later I committed 100% to the field of public relations and got on a solid track of rapid promotion and success to suit me.

It would have been a whole heck of a lot easier if someone had taken me by the hand and said:

“Listen up girl, you're smart and talented but that ain't enough in this world. You've gotta get a plan together, but you have to make it your own and you need to believe in it with all your heart.”

My career coaching program is dedicated to the graduates who need a clear strategy and plan NOW, and all the in-the-trenches professionals who have never intentionally created a career path that is sustainable and profitable.

I'm truly blessed to be the one who guides earnest men and women towards their chosen vocation.

There's nothing better than the news of “I got the JOB!” with a huge smile on my client's face.

For more Career Development and Job Search tips, follow me on LinkedIn.

– Kelley Joyce, MBA, CPC

Kelley is a career development coach who is dedicated to helping people discover their career path and land their dream jobs. Kelley has served hundreds of professionals across the U.S., U.K., and Australia since 2012 to radically change their relationship with work.

(Pictured below is me as a Summa Cum Laude graduate of the Fordham University Gabelli School of Business, accepting my diploma during the May 2011 commencement ceremony).

Graduation: What I Wish Someone Told Me

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